Monday, March 5, 2007

Week 7/8

So where are all of us in the program?

In reading your witty and thoughtful blog entries, we see that some exercises are easier than others and some less time consuming and some more frustrating and some sheer joy.
And yes, just what exactly is up with those ever so cute names like Or Rollyo? Sounds like a tootsie roll.

We are delighted to read which Web 2.0 tools tickle you pink and which ones aren't as cracked up as they think they are, at least not to us savvy library folks, right! It's clear that you are getting a brain workout as you work your way through each exercise. But that you are also enjoying yourselves!


Let's say, for whatever reason, you are unable to complete an exercise ( don't understand the exercises, technical issues, etc), we will still consider that you completed the exercise and give you credit IF you write about your experience/frustration/encounter with space aliens/etc that demonstrates that you did indeed try to work through a lesson. A one liner is not sufficient. We also encourage you to contact one of us to help you work through a lesson, okay.


1. If you are unable to play a YouTube clip (both sound and video) in Internet Explorer (browser), call IT Help Desk to enable this feature. You should also have Firefox Mozilla loaded (you know the icon looks like a tomato on a vine) and it works fine.

2. Remember March 30th is the date to complete the program if you want to be eligible for the prizes. FYI: The blog exercises will remain online so that we all may revisit it from time to time to continue with our self learning and self discovery.

Lastly, here's our cluster map so you are able to see which states and countries and continents are checking us out! Pretty nifty, eh.

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